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Cultive tomates e colha recompensas exclusivas!

  1. 01

    Seja membro e GANHE:

    Ser membro Tomate Vintage Store já lhe garante 1kg de Tomates, o equivalente a 8 frutos, para acumular e trocar por cupons de descontos.

  2. 02

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

  3. 03

    Colha as recompensas:

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

Reach new tiers as you earn more points.
  1. Tomateiro

    0 total earned points required

    • Faça 1 pedidoGet 13 Tomates for every R$ 1 spent
    • Visite o site a cada 24hGet 50 Tomates
    • pontos niverGet 10 Tomates
    Colha as recompensas:
    • 5% desconto no checkout1.690 Tomates = 5% off the lowest priced item in cart
  2. Azteca

    3.380 total earned points required

    • Faça 1 pedidoGet 13 Tomates for every R$ 1 spent
    • Visite o site a cada 24hGet 50 Tomates
    • pontos niverGet 15 Tomates
    Colha as recompensas:
    • 5% desconto no checkout1.690 Tomates = 5% off the lowest priced item in cart
  3. Imperial

    5.070 total earned points required

    • Faça 1 pedidoGet 13 Tomates for every R$ 1 spent
    • Visite o site a cada 24hGet 50 Tomates
    • pontos niverGet 20 Tomates
    Colha as recompensas:
    • Colha suas Recompensas13 Tomates = R$ 0,50 discount
    • 5% desconto no checkout1.690 Tomates = 5% off the lowest priced item in cart
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